Hitman 2 The Finish Line Mission Story walkthroughs

 Dans ce guide Hitman 2, nous vous guiderons à travers les sept histoires de mission à compléter lors de «The Finish Line» à Miami.

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Ces histoires sont autant de moyens pour l'agent 47 de mener à bien sa mission de tuer Robert et Sierra Knox lors de la course à l'innovation mondiale. Ci-dessous, nous parlerons d'une machine parfaite, intraveineuse, Pretty in Pink, The Munchies, The New Army, The Triumph et Turbo Charged, y compris comment démarrer chaque histoire, les éléments que vous devrez trouver et les emplacements que vous aurez ll faudra visiter.


  • A Perfect Machine
  • Intravenous
  • Pretty in Pink
  • The Munchies
  • The New Army
  • The Triumph
  • Turbo Charged

Walk through the gate, and turn left to step behind the van there. Use your Instinct to watch for the mechanic on the other side of the fence. Distract or avoid him, and climb over the fence. Turn left and then left again, and head through the door.

A Perfect Machine

Une histoire de mission Perfect Machine est une méthode pour éliminer Sierra Knox. Cela vous empêchera de terminer les histoires intraveineuses, Pretty in Pink et The Triumph. Vous devrez faire celui-ci assez tôt dans le niveau, avant la fin de la course.

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Dirigez-vous vers le sud (en haut sur la carte - le nord est en bas pour une raison quelconque) de l'entrée vers les tribunes. Vous devrez passer par la sécurité si vous prenez la route directe, alors jetez tout ce qui est illégal.

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Restez le long du côté inférieur (le plus proche de la piste) des tribunes et approchez-vous de la ligne de départ / arrivée. Vous apercevrez un mécanicien de Kronstadt dans la foule. Suivez-le pendant qu'il s'éloigne et écoutez sa conversation.

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Après avoir raccroché, il se dirigera vers un groupe de pots à porto. Vous serez hors de vue de l'autre côté, alors soumettez-le, prenez son déguisement et placez-le dans la benne à ordures sur le côté droit. Assurez-vous de prendre la carte-clé de la zone des stands qu'il laisse tomber.

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Traversez la place de la zone VIP à l'ouest (à droite sur la carte) et suivez le tapis rouge dans le bâtiment. Tournez à gauche et utilisez la carte-clé pour déverrouiller la porte du garage de Kronstadt.

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Vous devez trouver une clé pneumatique. Il y en a deux dans la pièce au sud (en haut sur la carte) où deux mécaniciens travaillent sous une voiture dans un ascenseur. L'un d'eux est un exécuteur. Jetez quelque chose comme une distraction - ou laissez tomber la voiture dessus - et prenez l'une des clés.

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Ramenez votre clé pneumatique dans la première pièce du garage. Parlez au chef mécanicien, une femme debout au milieu de la pièce qui vous appellera.

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The story of the intravenous mission is one method to eliminate Sierra Knox. This will prevent you from completing the A Perfect Machine, Pretty in Pink, and The Triumph stories. You will have to wait until the end of the race to complete it.

Hitman 2 The Finish Line Mission Story walkthroughs

We're going to lead you in a weird direction at first and through some quick disguise changes, but we promise it serves to get you through this mission story without arousing suspicion.

From the entrance, go left (east - north is at the bottom of the map) into the Bayside Tunnel. At the other end, turn quickly right into the parking lot - look for a press van parked in front. Grab the crowbar on the way.

Hitman 2 The Finish Line Mission Story walkthroughs

Head straight south (on the map), walk past the guy in mascot costume (who will start the story of the Pretty in Pink mission), and enter the hall behind him.

Hitman 2 The Finish Line Mission Story walkthroughs

Walk past the guy he beat up and turn left into a storage room. Put the Event Crew costume off the shelves. Continue to the other side of the room and go up (south) to the Podium tunnel.

Hitman 2 The Finish Line Mission Story walkthroughs

Take a right at the intersection and climb to ground level. Follow the pink carpet straight until you stop at the emergency bay - don't go past the railing or you'll trespass.

Hitman 2 The Finish Line Mission Story walkthroughs

Stand by the fence and listen to the two medics to (finally) begin the story of the IV mission. Once they're done, turn right and head towards the garages.

Hitman 2 The Finish Line Mission Story walkthroughs

Go through the door and turn left to go behind the van. Use your instincts to watch the mechanic on the other side of the fence. Distract him or avoid him and climb over the fence. Turn left then left again and go through the door.

Hitman 2 The Finish Line Mission Story walkthroughs

Dodge the security camera (or not) and turn off the generator on the right. Wait for the doctor to come and check on the distraction. Submit him, steal his disguise, and store his body in the trash behind you.

Hitman 2 The Finish Line Mission Story walkthroughs

Go through the door and enter the emergency bay. Continue to reception. Look for the doctor's office key on the desk to your left, then also go through the doctor's door only on the left. Inside, use the key to the medical cabinet to open the cabinet and grab the modern lethal syringe. (There's also a Lethal Poison pill jar here if you want to finish The Munchies later.)

Hitman 2 The Finish Line Mission Story walkthroughs

Bring the syringe back to the treatment room - the first room you entered - and dispose of the current patient. He's a mechanic and should come back around the same time as you. Stuff it in the cupboard, then poison the IV drip.

Hitman 2 The Finish Line Mission Story walkthroughs

Return to the intercom on the desk. You'll have to wait until the end of the run before you can call Sierra Knox - usually around 7 minutes or so. When the prompt is ready, call her medical service and wait for her to arrive.

When she enters, talk to her and escort her. When she sits down, strap on the IV. This will complete the story of the IV mission and kill Sierra Knox.


Pretty in Pink Mission Story is a method to take down Sierra Knox. This will prevent you from completing the Perfect Machine IV and The Triumph stories. You will have to wait until the end of the race to complete it.

From the entrance, go to the parking lot. You can go through the main entrance, or loop through the Bayside Tunnel, then walk down the next tunnel to the right.

In the parking garage, you'll spot a hard-to-miss man in a flamingo mascot costume on the phone. Listen to it to begin the story of the Pretty in Pink mission.

Walk past him and enter the hall. At the intersection, collect the electronic car key. Turn around, go submit the mascot and put on its disguise. Drag it into the parking lot and you'll find a dumpster to the east where you can hide it.

Head north through the parking lot, then turn right along the main path through - at pillar C12. At the end of this lane, you will see the mascot's van parked in the disabled spaces at B07. Use the key to unlock the van and collect the incriminating evidence.

Head south (on the map) through the parking lot to the Podium tunnel. Take a right and go back up into the Race Marshall area. Take a left at the top of the stairs and cross the street. You will spot a Kronstadt security guard at the entrance to the Hotel Garden. Talk to him and show him the evidence.

In the garden, find a spot and wait for Sierra Knox to finish the race. Finally (a few minutes later) she will introduce herself and approach you.

Follow her down an alley (always a good idea) to talk. Once she has dismissed her bodyguards, subdue her and throw her into the open well to the right of the alley. This will kill her and complete the story of the Pretty in Pink mission.


The story of the Munchies mission is a method of interacting with Robert Knox. Depending on how you complete it, it won't necessarily kill it, so you can always complete The New Army or Turbo Charged afterwards. Or you can just kill it. You'll be able to pick up poison during the IV and Triumph, so this mission story pairs well with those. (We'll be indicating a place to pick up more poison without any disguise and minimal mastery in the walkthrough below.)

From the entrance, walk through the Bayside Tunnel to the center of the map exhibit. Cut through the front of the exhibition center / aquarium on the other side and follow the building on the other side between the parking tunnel and the Podium Building.

Vault above the fence to the left of the car park tunnel. There are two Race Marshals in the area to your right. Avoid them or eliminate them (you will also be in this area during The Triumph Mission Story).

Head to the front of the van the Race Marshal was checking out and look for a door (next to the open garage door).

Open it and turn right at the back of the van so the two engineers can't see you. There's emetic rat poison on a barrel against the wall.

Take it and head to Marina Park SE.

Right where Marina Park SE is marked on the map, look for a couple sitting on a bench talking. Listen to their conversation to start the story of the Munchies mission.

Run south (on the map) along the water towards the pier. There you will find Florida Man fishing. Make sure no one is watching and take it out. Put on his disguise and store it in the crate at the end of the pier. Make sure you get the key from the food vendor he drops.

Go back and open the Florida Man food stand. Serve the coconut balls for a few minutes while waiting for Robert Knox. It will eventually come back down (usually about three minutes after the stand opens).

Poison the coconut balls with the rat poison - you can poison them directly in front of him and he won't notice - and serve them to Robert. This ends the story of the Munchies mission.

When he gets sick, he heads for the water. His bodyguard will turn his back to give Robert some privacy as he rushes off. At this point, walk right behind him and kick him in the water to get him out.


The story of the Army's New Mission is one method of eliminating Robert Knox. This will prevent you from completing The Munchies and Turbo Charged stories.

Head to the entrance to the Bayside Center in the northeast (bottom left - north is at the bottom on the map) of the map outside of the Exhibition Center and Aquarium. A man in military uniform will approach the waterfront and make a phone call. This is Ted Mendez, and this is where you will begin this story.

After his call, follow him north (down) along the waterfront. When he stops smoking, make sure the guard and civilian you passed are not looking at you. Submit him, steal his clothes, and drag him straight west (right on the map) into the small enclosed gardening area. There is a shredder (deactivated) to store it.

Go through the front door of the exhibition center / aquarium and approach the reception. The receptionist will greet you and direct you to the stairs on your right. You can grab the credentials for Ted Mendez's photo on the counter behind her if you want (but you won't need it). Go up the stairs, turn left at the top and follow the signs to the demo area (the first room on your right).

Instead of entering the Android showroom, take another (hard) to the right. Follow the room all the way - no one will disturb you - to the notice board and photocopier. Take the photo of Robert Knox and return to the exhibit hall.

You will be greeted by a scientist named Derek who will call Robert Knox to the showroom where he will explain to "Ted" his new military androids. When he tells you to choose a photo from the table, scan Robert Knox's photo instead.

The android will do your job for you, completing the new army, and you can exit through the front door.


The story of the Triumph mission is a method to take down Sierra Knox. This will prevent you from completing the Perfect Machine, Intravenous, Pretty in Pink stories. You can do all the steps for this one pretty quickly, but you have to wait until the end of the race before it ends (around 10 minutes).

From the entrance, head east (left on the map) through the Bayside Tunnel. On the exhibition center / aquarium side, continue south (top on the map) along the water to the food stalls near the pier.

You'll spot a Race Marshal and a Race Coordinator chatting next to the food stalls. Listen to them to begin the story of the Triumph mission.

Go back to the area between the Podium Building and the Exhibition Center / Aquarium - it's just east (left on the map) of the finish line. Jump the fence and stand directly under the security camera.

Watch for a Race Marshal to approach the van from the other side of the wall. With his back to you, subdue him and steal his disguise. There is a dumpster in front of the van where you can store his body.

Before you leave, look for a door in the garage near the front of the van. Open it up and go through. Take a right and hide behind the van inside. (There is rat poison here, as we pointed out in The Munchies). Wait for the two engineers to finish their conversation.

When we leave, sneak up to the shelves along the right side to grab a key. Sneak through the open garage door and take a right.

Go up the stairs to the booth overlooking the finish line. Take the Race Marshal out there and mix up as the Race Marshal to pick up the flag. Press the button to disqualify Marshall Lee when he passes to finish the race.

Drop the flag and go down the stairs. Take a right at the bottom and another right through the door. Follow the hurdles along the edge of the running track to the left.

In the center of the Podium building, you will see pipes and valves on your left. Replace the pressure lock with your wrench, then adjust the gas pressure on all three hoses to the right.

This will complete the story of the Triumph mission. You'll have to wait a while until Sierra gets up there and the pyrotechnics go off until he dies, so now's a good time to go take out Robert Knox.


Turbo Charged Mission Story is a method to eliminate Robert Knox. This will prevent you from completing The New Army and The Munchies stories.

Head to the aquarium and exhibition center to the northeast (bottom left - north is at the bottom of the map) and enter through the front door (you won't need a special disguise to enter).

Just inside the doors, turn left and look for the locker room. Step (jump) on the counter to go up into the room. There is a Kronstadt engineer disguise on the right side of the room. Put that on, and go.

Go to the showroom side of the building and look for the bright red Kronstadt racing car prototype.

Look for a few engineers having a conversation nearby and listen to their conversation to start the story of the Turbo Charged mission.

Take a right of the prototype car and head backstage. Follow the hallway to the right, past a security camera, and through the employee and maintenance door. In the next room, grab the screwdriver from the bookcase.

Turn around and head back south (top on the map) along the hallway. At the other end of the hallway, go through the double doors you come to (there is a KEEP CLEAR painted on the floor).

Turn left and follow the walkway to the shelves in the far corner. Beware of the engineers on the loading dock - one of them is an executor. Take the Kronstadt Octane Booster from the shelf, then return to the prototype car.

Head to the back of the car and sabotage the engine with the screwdriver, then pour in the Kronstadt Octane Booster. Another engineer (Smith) walks up and tries to start the car. When that doesn't work, he'll call Robert Knox.

Get in the driver's seat and wait. Knox will appear (eventually) and play with the motor a bit. Follow the prompts to start the engine whenever it asks you to. On the third try, the engine will explode a bit, killing Knox and completing Turbo Charged. You are free to go through the front door afterwards.


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